Since ESPN got involved and tried to direct the agenda of sports, they have attempted to make college football ALL about the National Champion. On any given year, realistically only 20 (maybe 30) teams enter the season with any legitimate chance at a title. So college football must be about SO MUCH MORE than just the champ or the bowl structure. It's about rivalries, student sections, dynamic coaches and players, historic matchups, etc.
However, given that this is the (manufactured by ESPN) world the nation lives in, here is my list of the 30 teams that have any chance to play for the title this season. This list is obviously more expansive than it needs to be, since a lot of these teams have a SLIM chance at best. However, I have listed the 30 teams that meet two criteria: 1) they would be in the Title discussion if they went 12-0 (or 11-1 in several cases) and 2) actually have ANY kind of chance at attaining that record (doesn't have to be a GREAT chance, but these are teams that could easily get to 10 wins, so if things go their way 12 isn't out of the question).
Some teams didn't make the list that would apparently make some (stupid) pollsters think twice, but teams like Louisville and Baylor, among others, really have NO chance to go undefeated. They'll be LUCKY to win 10 games. I've also made some notes where appropriate for this week's games.
Alabama (vs. Michigan: a loss doesn't eliminate them)
Boise State (at Michigan State: loss eliminates them)
BYU (1-0)
Clemson (vs. Auburn)
Florida State
Georgia Tech (at Virginia Tech)
Kansas State
Michigan (vs. Alabama: a loss SHOULD eliminate them but won't)
Michigan State (hosting Boise State)
Notre Dame
Oklahoma State
South Carolina (1-0, just win in the SEC anyway you can)
Utah (1-0)
Virginia Tech (hosting Georgia Tech)
West Virginia
Matt gave me his 30: he does not have Cal, Miami, or Nebraska. In their place he has Auburn, Missouri, and Texas A&M. It's pretty easy to get to 20, maybe 25. The last few are always going to be debatable and "stretches."
Within three weeks, this list will shrink to 15 or less, I am guessing, so it doesn't really matter. Some of these teams are playing each other this weekend, so we'll already start cutting this list down starting next week. Once we cut the list a bit, I'll sort them out/"rank them," because obviously not all of these teams are the in the same category: some could survive one loss, some would have to go undefeated, and some are unlikely to go undefeated but are good enough to win 10 so COULD theoretically win 12. South Carolina tried to fall off this list last night, but held on by the hair on their chinny-chin-chin.
Kansas st, BYU and cal should be off. Utah is a stretch...long stretch, as is Stanford. Granted I get the luxury of commenting days after the games were played.