I work with retired pensioners in my profession on a daily basis. Several have phoned in asking why their checks got smaller with their January payments. After about 3 seconds of investigation, it was determined that the federal tax amount they had to pay increased. Come on folks, did you really think all that stimulus money and all those expanded government programs were free?
This is the hope and change so many suckers voted for: hope for eternal bliss and sunshine (but not too much warmth, there are polar bears to consider), and the only change most of us get is paying higher taxes. Really, taking money from old people relying on their pensions to live? I'm pretty sure some of these pensioners are making less than $250K, and I'm pretty sure Obama promised he wouldn't raise anybody's taxes who make less than that. I can't wait to see how much more I pay in taxes with my first paycheck! I KNOW I don't make $250K...I know, hard to believe, especially with the quality writing you get on this (usually about) sports blog. Hope and change ain't free, unless you're unemployed!
Well said. Especially liked the polar bear comment.